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The Energy House is dedicated to Sustainability in our world, country, metro area, and your project. The photo below tells us all why it is important that we are all concerned about Sustainability.


The Energy House “The Net Zero Difference” is just one example of how we practice Sustainability. By eliminating a properties utility costs this reduces the carbon footprint of a property unlike no other method of Sustainability. The Energy House is dedicated to making net zero the first standard of our energy design for every project that we provide to our clients projects.

Areas of Sustainability for the Energy House team;

  • Net Zero
  • Renewable Energy Systems – Geothermal – Solar
  • Reduced Energy Consumption – In all of our projects
  • No VOC – Off gassing from our products, paint, staining, adhesives and all of the materials integrated into a design
  • Recycling – Of reusable materials from a home or renovation project for resale, and the separation of waste on all job sites to be recycled and for energy regeneration.

What Is Sustainability and Why Is It Important?

What Is SustainabilitySustainability is a broad discipline, giving students and graduates insights into most aspects of the human world from business to technology to environment and the social sciences. The core skills with which a graduates leaves college or university are highly sought after, especially in a modern world looking to drastically reduce carbon emissions and discover and develop the technologies of the future. Sustainability draws on politics, economics and, philosophy and other social sciences as well as the hard sciences.